1inch Network

The 1inch Network unites decentralized protocols whose synergy enables the most lucrative, fastest and protected operations in the DeFi space.
Total volume
Total users
Supported networks
Total trades
Access liquidity sources
Aggregation share
Sources connected
Governance and utility token

1inch Aggregation Protocol

A protocol that facilitates cost-efficient and secure atomic transactions by utilizing a wide range of protocols and performing argument validation and execution verification.

1inch Liquidity Protocol

A next-generation automated market maker that protects users from front-running attacks and offers capital efficiency to liquidity providers.

1inch DAO

A decentralized autonomous organization that governs the 1inch Network, enabling 1INCH stakers to vote for key protocol parameters and take part in the network's governance.

1INCH token

As a governance and utility token, 1INCH facilitates multiple tokenomics. It enables users to govern protocols and participate in the network's evolution and serves as a connector utility token in the 1inch Liquidity Protocol for high-efficiency routing.

Ecosystem partners


1inch dApp

An entry point to the 1inch Network's tech. The 1inch dApp is No. 1 DeFi aggregator, offering access to the most liquidity and the best token swap rates on various DEXes, with unique features, including partial fill, the Chi gas token and the ability to find the best swap paths across multiple liquidity sources.